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Allan ROSS

Scientific Computing Engineer @TotalEnergies OneTech CSTJF

Study, Development and/or Research Engineer
Geophysics, oceanography, remote sensing, hydrology
Southwest of France (Pau, Toulouse)
Data analysis and processing
Personal development
Allan ROSS
29 years old
Driving License
Pau (64000) France
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Study, Research and Development Engineer (Pau/Toulouse). I have a scientific culture relatively diversified, mainly focused on applied mathematics/physics; I keep moving in discovering and learning every day.

During my training as geophysicist @EOST (Strasbourg, 2018), I mainly specialized in geophysical data analysis and processing as well as in scientific programming. Furthermore, my final-year internship in R&D completed @CLS Group (Toulouse) and my research experiences (@EOST/@IPGS, @DIAS) allowed me to confirm my aspiration and my passion to oceanography, geophysics and applied sciences broadly speaking. In addition, I was able to learn the values ​​of work at VIVIRAD S.A. which involve daily conviviality and commitment to customers and collaborators.

One of my professional vocation will be to collaborate with specialists and in teams; indeed, my mid-term career goal is to work on R&D projects which would have a global reach. My ASTYPIC consultant Julien DAVADANT will help me to reach my personal and professional goals.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Recognition of sedimentary structures
  • Construction of stratigraphic logs
  • Realization of geological panels and sections
Company Description
The scientific objectives of the team concern the interactions existing between the deep Earth and the superficial envelopes, that is to say between tectonic processes in the broad sense (deformation, isostasis, exhumation ...) and surface processes (erosion / sedimentation, bio-climatic forcings)