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Allan ROSS

Scientific Computing Engineer @TotalEnergies OneTech CSTJF

Study, Development and/or Research Engineer
Geophysics, oceanography, remote sensing, hydrology
Southwest of France (Pau, Toulouse)
Data analysis and processing
Personal development
Allan ROSS
30 years old
Driving License
Pau (64000) France
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Study, Research and Development Engineer (Pau/Toulouse). I have a scientific culture relatively diversified, mainly focused on applied mathematics/physics; I keep moving in discovering and learning every day.

During my training as geophysicist @EOST (Strasbourg, 2018), I mainly specialized in geophysical data analysis and processing as well as in scientific programming. Furthermore, my final-year internship in R&D completed @CLS Group (Toulouse) and my research experiences (@EOST/@IPGS, @DIAS) allowed me to confirm my aspiration and my passion to oceanography, geophysics and applied sciences broadly speaking. In addition, I was able to learn the values ​​of work at VIVIRAD S.A. which involve daily conviviality and commitment to customers and collaborators.

One of my professional vocation will be to collaborate with specialists and in teams; indeed, my mid-term career goal is to work on R&D projects which would have a global reach. My ASTYPIC consultant Julien DAVADANT will help me to reach my personal and professional goals.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Checking the bias of Potsdam value for surface gravity observations over Ireland using Satellite Gradiometry

    Context of the study :
  • I unified the Northern Ireland gravity data with those from the Republic of Ireland, i.e. data owned by DIAS (GMT)
  • I made a cubic interpolation of unified data sets and I found the reference gravity field of the Bouguer anomalies occurring in the DIAS gravity data set
  • I compared the interpolated surface gravity (i.e. DIAS data) with those derived from global gravity field models, the satellite GOCO05S model and the combined EGM2008 model
    Eventually, I was able to explain the origin of the bias.
Detailed Description
  • The issue of the gravity gap located exactly at the irish geopolitical border wasn't explained for more than 30 years, after the death of Dr. Thomas Murphy (DIAS).
    I eventually gave a satisfactory explanation to this issue thanks to my investigation during this research internship. Henceforth, an explanation between the gravity map coming from the land-based relative measurements (1950-1980) and the map generated from gradiometry measurements (GOCO05S or EGM2008 models) needs to be given.
  • Thesis proposal with Professor Martinec ZDENEK (afterwards):
    Height unication for the entire Ireland to evaluate a precise value of the geopotential W0 using Tide Gauges data and Ocean Modelling Circulation
Company Description
The Geophysics Section apply geophysical data analysis, computation and methodological developments to gain new insights into processes within the Earth system