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Custumer Service

38 years old
Driving License
Vancouver Canada (British Columbia)
Professional Status
About Me
Customer service oriented, with a 10-year experience in planning, executing, analyzing, advising and helping clients, I am passionate about client success and want to provide the highest satisfaction.

I like to think that there is no
complex problem, only creative solutions.

I am detail oriented, with strong time management skills, always open to new ideas and I love to learn new things.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
    • Advice on campaign mechanics
    • Exchanges on graphic creations
    • Proposition and monitoring of the implementation of specific developments
    • Customers care with live exchanges: e.g. TOTAL, ORANGE and Groupe Up / Chèque Déjeuner
    • Targeting on behavioral and declarative information (Firm Activity, Geolocation, Functions ...)
    • QOD of new files
    • Creation of workflows and campaigns automation
    • Management of Test Messages with the client
    • Supervision of the tool
    • Optimization according to the needs of the agency
    • Configuration and implementation of new functionalities, with tests and recipes
    • Interface between sales, production and IT teams
    • Implementation of production processes
    • Monitoring of developments (landings, mini-site, data flow, etc.)
    • Production of in-depth campaign reports
    • Production and optimization of dashboards on decision-making tools in collaboration with the Data Manager.
  • REFERENCES: Available upon request
Detailed Description
  • More than 200 B2B e-mail campaigns managed in prospecting and loyalty in 2016
    • Counts within a set of 3 million email addresses (geographic, economic, firm activity...)
    • 10 million B2B emails sent in 2016
    • HTML Integrations and Email Tests
    • Creation of Google Analytics, Litmus tags and tracking via url parameters
  • More than 50 managed landings in the second half of 2016
    • Creation Brief
    • Improvement Ideas
    • Creation, monitoring and validation
    • Post-campaign analysis via Google Analytics
  • Technical upgrade of an internal analysis tool (OLAP Cube), with the IT team
  • Observation of news in email marketing and social marketing
    • Development of emails and responsive landings
    • Learning responsive logic (via media queries) / fluid email
    • Detection of customers with potential to use responsive
  • More than 500 followers gained the first six months of managing the Twitter account @HdAdresses
  • Community management
    • Developing Histoire d'Adresses presence on Twitter, LinkedIn, Viadeo
    • Detection of the most relevant accounts
    • Impulse of the "social networks" logic within Histoire d'Adresses
  • Advisor for mobile devices and HTML creatives
    • Tracking of mobile reading media via Google Analytics and Litmus
    • Advice on the needs of creations fluid and / or responsive
    • Testing creations optimized for smartphones and tablets
    • PSD-HTML Creative exchanges
Company Description
Marketing agency specialized in BtoB, Histoire d'Adresses has been assisting its clients since 2004 in their strategy of prospecting and loyalty.

Its expertise in B2B marketing and database management, its technological base and its organisation provide its clients tailor-made solutions, guaranteeing their efficiency and performance in their direct marketing campaigns.

Its objective is declined in 4 points:
  • To listen to the clients and provide them with relevant answers, reliable and operational advice throughout the project
  • Offer differentiating campaign mechanics, value-added files, appropriate technological solutions ...
  • Provide clients with useful information to better understand the BtoB market, and analyse their operations to maximize their returns
  • Facilitate client's decision-making at each stage of their prospection or loyalty in direct marketing BtoB