After 4 years at “IPSA”, a 5-year graduate engineering school in Paris, specializing in aeronautical and space systems, during which I sought to widen my field of expertise through two complementary specializations, in Aeronautics and in Mechatronics-Systems, consolidated by a one-year internship in Airbus, I will conclude my engineer formation in 2015. I sought to get a better understanding of aircraft’s technical functioning before, this year, finishing my studies through a major in management and industrial logistics.
I'm looking for a VIE into industrial production field. I'll be available at the end of my last school semester in march 2015.
Work-station reorganization project : -Supporting & deputizing the project manager in daily activities -Leading improvement projects with multi-functional teams -Analysing ways of improvements for the work-station -Ensuring deployment of the improvements -Reporting & communicating efficiently to top management
Project Leader:
Visual Stream Mapping (VSM) project : -Preliminaries studies -Preparing & leading VSM workshops (25 persons) -Analysing ways of improvements for FAL’s work-stations -Leading improvement projects with multi-functional teams
Non-Recurrent Cost reduction Project : -Detecting & Analysing major NRC of the FAL -Proposing ways of improvement -Reporting & communicating efficiently to top management
Realisation of technical documentations for specialised technicians:
Non-Destructive Control (CND) measurement table: -Creation of the documentation for all the hydraulics equipments supported -Control of the quality process conformity -Test of the new documentation with CND specialised technicians
Workshop tools documentation: -Creation of the documentation for hydraulics equipments' tooling kits -Control of the quality process conformity
Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
January 2012
to July 2012
Erasmus semester into VŠB-TUO. VŠB–Technical University of Ostrava is the fourth largest university in Czech Republic with over 20,000 students studying in bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs in seven faculties and two all-University study programmes.