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Alesson Souza

Alesson Souza

Global and Polyglot Project and Social Media Manager

36 years old
Paris (75020) France
Employed Just looking around
Global and polyglot social media professional, helping you to transform complex problems into innovative solutions that matter
  • Peugeot France wants to develop their social presence. 3 goals: focusing on Twitter channels, improving the social customer care activity and developing relationships with bloggers and power consumers
  • Developed Peugeot’s Twitter strategy with a focus on responding to social consumers in less than 24 hours, met with 20 highly influential bloggers & 40 auto passionates
  • Supported a dozen of events organized by auto clubs. Launched and developing Peugeot’s Vine strategy (transporting offline contents to digital system)
  • Went from 2013 (July) to today : 18k followers Twitter (+300% reach, 2,6% engagement), 320k Facebook fans (+75%, 4,6 engagement rate vs 2% auto market)
  • Web project management: creation of websites connected to social media campaigns
    before the release of the brand new models. ex:

    Master of Gti (http://masterofgti.com/): website and digital experience:

    -Call for tenders from several digital agencies;

    -Expression Of technical, editorial, branding

    -Management of the entire project with the selected digital agency, advertising agency (Havas) and Products manager

    -Animation and recruiting members / participants
Company Description
Present in almost 160 countries with more than 10,000 points of contact, everywhere PEUGEOT combines
Excellence, Allure and Emotion. In 2013 PEUGEOT sold 1,553,000 vehicles worldwide, progressing in most of the large growing markets and continuing its dynamic of moving up-market.
Company website