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Alesson Souza

Alesson Souza

Global and Polyglot Project and Social Media Manager

36 years old
Paris (75020) France
Employed Just looking around
Global and polyglot social media professional, helping you to transform complex problems into innovative solutions that matter
  • Android fan and early adopter
  • Tech products
  • I read news everyday, through Google News or directly on my favorite news websites such as Slate,Le Monde, El Pais,La Repubblica,Globo, etc
  • Literature: Bukowsky, Céline, Dostoiesvksy.
  • Germany
  • Portugal
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Brazil
  • France
  • Switzerland
  • Canada
  • Russia
  • Austria
  • Netherlands
  • Grand Corps Malade(French slam), his texts explain, with humor, intelligence and poetry,so many things about our lives that we could never otherwise understand.
  • Legiao Urbana(Brazilian rock)
    What can I say about them: They are my Beatles!
  • Classic music( Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, Chopin, Schumman,Strauss)
  • Electronic music
  • Matrix: What other movie can mix so well philosophy, action and technology?
  • V for Vendetta: I would really like to meet a "V" in my life!
  • The Life of David Gale
  • Requiem for a Dream