The nature of my diploma course has paved way for me in many creative independent projects,requiring initiative and self motivation and a wide range of skills. I am very enthusiastic and determined and love working close hand with people and children. I have a keen eye for detail and love working with my hands. I am also very flexible and quick to pick up new skills and eager to learn from others. I am looking for part time or full time work either assisting an artist or artistic business alike,where i can add value to exciting projects and or business and develop my current skills further . I also have great analytically skills and that i know suits well with the needs for customer assistance. I am a great communicator and have good organizing skills,with my background in art and art directing i would make a very successful and creative studio assistant. i Would appreciate any opportunity to make a substantial contribution by exploring business through applied art.
ages 3 month to toddlers- prep of bottles/food/activities and daily planning and structure
used World at their fingertips curriculum for infants
introduced experiences that create exploration of infants and todlers
ages 2-5 years inspire and play,prep and layout of activities incorporating each child's different needs and development stages
developed great bonds with "key children" parents and family and in so doing with parent meetings ext. could work close-hand with all the necessary development stages and individual needs of the kids
Assisting main teachers and caretakers in daily routine activity's
Tough supervised and cared for baby's from 10 months to toddlers,all necessary care including feeding,preparing milk and exploring milestones with them in a intimate setting
Course outline : Beauty make up Special effects make up Sculpting Molding / casting Props fabrication History of art Film history Design and Self promotion Airbrushing Photography Specialization areas:Beauty make up and hairstylist prosthetic and caracter make up special affects make up sculpting-facial,caricature,realistic mold making-silicone and resin and various other materials
got offered a teaching position at City Varsity,decided to relocate to the Garden Route