Realization of financing plan, accompaniment of the companies for the financial montage and the drafting of a “Banking memorandum report” (market research report and financial projections of the project)
Assistance with the acquisition of company and others financial operations : – Due diligence purchaser
Accountant and financier audit
Construction of the business plan (over a period of 15 years)
Organization and participation in negotiations between the bank and the customer
Participation in the drafting of the recommendations
Installation of a cost accounting (Algeria) – Cement factory
Review of the production processs
Installation of the flowcharts
Realization Behavioral studies in the following sectors: agri-foodstuffs and banking (target: top-of-the-range customers & customers middle class).
Dimensioning of the market
Realization of qualitative talks and analyzes results to emphasize the market trends
Quantitative test of the put forth hypotheses
Establishment of various profiles customers
Description of the key criteria of the consumer behavior
Realization and participation in various market studies in the following sectors: banking (customers in the medical one, the pharmaceutical one, public), pharmaceutical, agriculture, car, agri-foodstuffs
Sizing of the market on the trade section legal & tax
Data analysis and processing of the market (production and importation)
Competitive analysis
Organization and supervision of the administration of the questionnaires on the western area of the country
Holder of master degree (Option: Finance and treasury of company) of ESAA delivered by the university of Lille 2, in partnership with HEC Paris, ESCP Europe, Euromed and Advancia.