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Ahmed Azouzi

Ahmed Azouzi

Software Engineer

32 years old
Tunis Tunisia
Employed Available


Taysir Solustions
April 2017
  • Mobile / web application that ensures the management and traceability of all types of professional communication with a studied flexibility, sends the mails and sms en masse by group contacts, the preparation of the messages to diffuse at a precise hour
    • Implementation of the general architecture of the solution.
    • Design and development of functional specifications.
    • Implementation of the apis for the android and angular client.
    • Development of an Angular solution (FrontEnd).
    • Deployment of the solution on Azure.
  • Tools :ASP.NET MVC5 ,WebApi ,Firebase,Sendinblue,TFS,Hangfire,Twilio api, Azure Blob,Angular 4,Autofac,AutoMapper.
  • http://closetoclient.com/