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Ahmed Azouzi

Ahmed Azouzi

Software Engineer

32 years old
Tunis Tunisia
Employed Available
  • ahmed-azouzi.strikingly.com

IslmicApp Competition

Ministry Of Religious Affairs Tunisia
December 2017
  • Realization of an application to locate the pilgrim
  • Web:
    • Design of the data model.
    • Implementation of apis.
    • Consumption of apis Rest.
  • Tools:ASP.NET MVC5 ,WebApi ,Android,Firebase,Bitbucket
  • The platform developed aims to inform rural women
    on job offers, internships, certification and
    Training sessions by sending an e-mail and informative SMS.
  • Web:
    • Design of the data model.
    • Implementation of apis.
    • Send mail via sendinblue.
    • Send SMS.
  • http://firstappdemo.azurewebsites.net/Actuality

Taysir Umrah

Taysir Solustions
January 2018 to February 2018
  • The management of the different stages and the operators of Umrah
    • Implementation of the general architecture of the solution.
      -Hotels management.
    • Package management.
      -Flights management.
  • Tools:ASP.NETMVC5,WebApi,TFS,Hangfire,Angular4,Autofac,AutoMapper
  • http://taysirsolutions.cloudapp.net/testUmrahDev


Taysir Solustions
November 2017 to January 2018
  • IOS application for the reservation of available seats on a real-time flight between partner agencies.
    • Functional analysis.
    • Implementation of the MVC architecture.
    • Implementation of apis.
  • http://taysirsolutions.cloudapp.net/plane

Metro JEDDAH Arabie Saoudite

Taysir Solustions
September 2017 to October 2017
  • Electronic system of expropriation of real estate for the benefit of the public.
    • Revise and approve the functional files.
    • Provide support to functional analysts.
    • Integration of the hangfire module.
  • Tools:ASP.NET MVC5 ,TFS,Hangfire


Taysir Solustions
April 2017
  • Mobile / web application that ensures the management and traceability of all types of professional communication with a studied flexibility, sends the mails and sms en masse by group contacts, the preparation of the messages to diffuse at a precise hour
    • Implementation of the general architecture of the solution.
    • Design and development of functional specifications.
    • Implementation of the apis for the android and angular client.
    • Development of an Angular solution (FrontEnd).
    • Deployment of the solution on Azure.
  • Tools :ASP.NET MVC5 ,WebApi ,Firebase,Sendinblue,TFS,Hangfire,Twilio api, Azure Blob,Angular 4,Autofac,AutoMapper.
  • http://closetoclient.com/

Taysir Ticketing

Taysir Solustion
January 2017 to March 2017
  • Ticketing web application, transaction management and payments
    • Data model design (Entity Framework code first).
    • Development of the main modules.
  • Tools : ASP.NET MVC5,WCF, Entity Framework 6, Autofac, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Ajax
  • http://taysircloud.com/Taysirticketing/

Add Invoice

Taysir Solustions
November 2016 to December 2016
  • Realization of a billing solution with the possibility of publishing invoices and a follow-up the payments.
    • Data model design (Entity Framework code first).
    • Development of the main modules.
    • Implementation of the raporting module (Rdlc).
  • Tools : ASP.NET MVC5,WCF, Entity Framework 6, Autofac, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Ajax,Rdlc.
  • http://app.addinvoice.com

Taysir Hotels

Taysir Solustions
August 2016 to October 2016
  • Developed a web applications that consume tbo Api (http://api.tbotechnology.in/) that allow travel agencies to search for hotels and book for customers.
    • Development of the different modules.
    • Test and validation.
    • Maintenance.
  • Tools: ASP.NET MVC5,WCF, Entity Framework 6, Autofac, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Ajax,
  • http://taysircloud.com/taysirxml
  • Medical record system that incorporates the Classification
    Primary Health Care - 2nd Edition of the Committee
    International Classification System (WICC) to provide doctors withAll functional needs and to facilitate the verification of the Of patient history.
  • Web:
    • Design of the data model.
    • Development of the different modules.
    • Development of graphical interfaces.
    • Implementation of apis. Mobile:
    • Development of authentication and consultation modules.
  • Tools: ASP.NET MVC5,WCF, Entity Framework 6, Autofac, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Ajax,KendoUI,Android.
  • taysirsolutions.cloudapp.net/DMI

Fundamental license

ISIGK ( Kairouan Higher Institute of Informatics and Management)

September 2010 to May 2013

National Engineering diploma

ESPRIT ( Private School of Engineering and Technology).

September 2013 to 2016
  • Operating systems: Windows, Linux.
  • languages: C, C++, C#, XML, SQL, .NET.
  • Database: MySQL, SQL Server
  • Web Technologies: : HTML5, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT, Ajax, JQuery,Angular js.
  • software: MS SQL Server,Photoshop.
  • Design: UML, Design Pattern.
  • Framework:VisualStudio,Android Studio
  • Mobile Programming: Android.
  • Continuous integration: GitHub,TFS.