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Adrià Castany Serrano

Software Developer, Telecommunications Engineer

Adrià Castany Serrano
37 years old
Driving License
Barcelona Area (08004) Spain
Professional Status
About Me
I'm a Telecommunications Engineer converted to Full Stack Developer (Webs & Apps) through the motivation to create my own projects and join exciting ones. Hard worker, very creative and startup lover.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz

Ironhack Web Development bootcamp


January 2015 to March 2015
Intensive programming course for developers and entrepreneurs.
Good development practices: Focus on clean code principles, design patterns and test driven development (TDD)
Specialized in;
  • Ruby (Rails advanced and Sinatra)
  • HTML5, CSS3
  • JavaScript
Details and Extracurriculars
  • I finished successfully the bootcamp presenting on the Ironhack Demo day one of the best 5 projects of the bootcamp, decided by a professional jury.
    My final project was called "enliven", a web application done in Ruby on Rails, JS (used isotope framework also), and PostgreSQL.
    It is an online portfolio for performing arts professionals.