I communicate by proactively planning and then engaging communities on a variety of platforms, monitoring what is being said, both online and in traditional media, and ultimately, by telling true brand narratives well.
Help facilitate thought leadership (i.e. credibility, expertise, strong social voice, community value) for organizations through the creation and marketing of newsworthy, targeted and compelling content and through the utilization of new and social media tools have increased online conversations, community engagement and organizational presence.
Using strategies, creativity and a background in journalism & PR I've discovered, listened to, engaged and formed mutually beneficial relationships w/ individual publics and stakeholders (e.g. brand ambassadors), which in turn has supported larger organizational objectives of increased visibility and, customer satisfaction & the fostering of community.
This is a client analysis I produced for our client, The Thornton W. Burgess Society, after meeting them and being tasked to produce a marketing plan for their organization that would ultimately support their goals of increased visibility and the attracting of a new target market for growing revenue