IUT Sophia Antipolis (Département QLIO) - University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
September 2014
to July 2015
One-year of apprenticeship (in french : Licence Professionnelle) on the Faculty of Computer Science in IUT of Sophia Antipolis (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis) about Computer and Software Systems development and programming
LP SIL IDSE (Licence Professionnelle - Systèmes Informatiques et Logiciels - Informatique Distribuée et Systèmes d'Information pour l'Entreprise) à l'IUT de Sophia Antipolis
Curriculum during two academic years on the Faculty of Sciences, Valrose (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis) about Advanced Maths and Theoretical/Practical computer science (Python/C/Bash programming) without graduation.
Education on high school Les Eucalyptus on Higher Education to prepare graduation for Associate Degree in Industrial Technology. Namely : BTS Informatique et réseaux pour l'industrie et les services techniques (IRIS)