Application & Database developer with a focus on web-based back-ends. Some front-end development with JSP's and Flex. Strong database design and development skills, with an emphasis on Oracle and some experience with other RDBMS systems.
Architected and Developed a Web Ad Provisioning and Click Referral system
Was the primary architect and developer for the Hello Ad Network, a web ad provisioning and click referral system. Tasks included designing the MongoDB schema for tracking advertisers, affiliates, ads, and the associated impressions and clicks, building the website using the Spring framework, implementing a RabbitMQ messaging back end for asynchronous task execution, and writing Map/Reduce code for preparing and compiling reports and statistics.
Admin screen development and maintenance of existing Web Ad system
Developed admin and reporting screens for Quote Engine, an existing Ad provisioning and click referral system. Troubleshot and fixed issues as assigned.