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Abderrahmane ROUMANE

Full Stack Developer / DevOps

IT Project Manager
Lead Developer
Abderrahmane ROUMANE
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Web and mobile development engineer with expertise in database administration. I have a passion for taking on and developing ambitious projects.
  • Bug fixing on various internal solutions - TypeScript, JavaScript, NxJS, NestJS
  • Creation of new features - TypeScript, JavaScript, NxJS, NestJS
  • Creation of codecs (conversion and extraction of data from IOT module frames) - TypeScript, Node.js
  • Use of GitLab and GitLab CI
  • Use of Google Cloud - BigQuery, SQL, Compute Engine, Storage
  • Development from scratch of a new solution within a team of 6 people.
  • Use of Terraform / Kubernetes
  • Project management: Agile methodology (Scrum framework), Jira, Confluence
  • Bug fixing on various internal solutions - TypeScript, JavaScript, NxJS, NestJS
  • Creation of new features - TypeScript, JavaScript, NxJS, NestJS
  • Creation of codecs (conversion and extraction of information from IoT module frames) - TypeScript, Node.js
  • Use of GitLab and GitLab CI
  • Use of Google Cloud - BigQuery, SQL, Compute Engine, Storage
  • Development from scratch of a new solution within a team of 5 people.
  • Use of Terraform / Kubernetes
  • Project management: Agile methodology (Scrum framework)
  • Implementation of new technologies (WordPress, Node.js, MongoDB, AWS, Docker, etc.)
  • Redesign of several internal solutions
  • Team training on WordPress, React, Node.js, Docker
  • Team management (drafting technical specifications)
  • Client relations and case management
  • Technology watch
  • Setup of a web server
  • Drafting of a specifications document
  • Development of multiple learning platforms
  • Technologies used: Moodle (PHP)/Angular/PostgreSQL/Docker/MERN
  • Provide regular reporting to the team
  • Assist clients during the onboarding and setup of their access and solutions
  • Monitor the overall project timeline
  • Database Administration: MongoDB / MySQL
  • Development: PHP/CSS/HTML
  • Database Administration: MongoDB / MySQL
  • Development: WordPress (PHP) / PHP / C# / Java (Android) / Node.js
  • Client relations
  • Project creation and management: Agile methodology.
  • Database Administration: MongoDB / MySQL
  • Development: WordPress (PHP) / C# / Java (Android) / Node.js
  • Client relations
  • Project creation and management: Agile methodologies.
  • Reactjs
  • Angular
  • React native
  • Nextjs
  • express.js
  • nodejs
  • nestjs
  • nxjs
  • MERN (MongoDB, Express, Reactjs,Nodejs)
  • SERN (Sequelize, Express, Reactjs,Nodejs)
  • MEAN (MongoDb, Express, Angular,Nodejs)
  • SEAN (Sequelize, Express,Angular,Nodejs)
  • Vs Code / Visual Studio / Android studio
  • Discord / Trello / Slack
  • CI/CD (GitLab CI)
  • Suite Atlassian (Jira, confluence)
  • RabbitMQ
  • Méthodologie Agile (SCRUM)
  • Wamp / Xamp
  • Git / Github / GitLab
  • Terraform
  • Postman
  • Apache airflow
  • Windows / Linux / Android / Chrome OS
  • Plateforme AWS
  • Firebase
  • Plateforme GOOGLE CLOUD (BigQuery, Pub/Sub, Dataflow, Kubernetes ...)
  • Microservices
  • Clean architecture
  • Méthode agile framework Scrum
  • Python
  • Typescript
  • Javascript


  • Wordpress
  • Prestashop
  • MySQL / PostgreSQL / SQL Server
  • SQL
  • GraphQL
  • MongoDB
  • NoSQL
  • Illustrator / InDesign /Photoshop / Adobe XD
During this program, I covered various topics:
  • IT Strategy and Management
  • Analysis of IT processes and implementation of an ITIL approach
  • Study and analysis of ERP software solutions
  • Big Data: Strategies for managing massive data
  • AI: Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning, etc.)
  • Introduction to the implementation of data warehouses (DATAWAREHOUSE)
  • Introduction to data mining techniques (DATAMINING)
  • CISCO CCNA Security certifications – Advanced network security
  • Disaster recovery planning / Risk management
  • Virtualization & Cloud computing

Engineering Program


October 2016 to 2019
During this program, I deepened my knowledge of programming and also explored networking, including setting up a network and a web server (Windows Server).

Computer Mathematics

Université Jean Monnet

September 2014 to May 2016
During my university studies, I worked on projects such as convex letters in OCaml, concepts in PostScript, and PC-to-printer communication.

Scientific Baccalaureate

Lycée La Martinière Monplaisir

September 2012 to June 2014
  • Allemagne, Algérie, Autriche, Espagne, Italie, Pays-bas, Turquie,Suisse
  • Football, Boxe